• Bira
  • Lake Tempe
  • Sulawesi
  • Toraja
  • Sulawesi
  • Sulawesi
  • Sulawesi
  • Makassar

Tour module 8 days diving Selayar dive resort



Selayar is the southernmost island of Sulawesi and is approximately 80 x 10 kilometers in size. The capital, Benteng, has a number of fairly well-prepared buildings from the Dutch period. The Gong Nekara Museum houses the largest gong in the world.

The island is dominated by secondary rainforest, where many strange birds flock around and the Tarsius monkey shows itself at sunrise and sunset.

The abundance of white sandy beaches with swaying palms make it a great family pack of bounty island, with beautiful and mostly intact coral reefs off the coast.

Diving is fantastic here between October and April. Our favorite dive resort is the Selayar dive resort.


Bira, Sulawesi

Bira is a typical Buginese coastal village. It has lovely brilliantly white beaches. Its 'centre' has quite a few nice warungs (small shops) and cosy restaurants.
Bira has 2 beaches, Bira beach and Bara beach. Bira beach in the centre is flooded with sellers and people who rent noisy water sport activities. Especially at weekends this has a huge attraction for the local tourists and Bira beach turns into a kind of ‘fun fair’. At 1,5 km from Bira beach lies Bara beach, where it’s much quieter.
Tanah Biru, a village next to Bira, is known for its shipbuilders who master the art of building Buginese schooners.



Makassar, the former Ujung Pandang is the capital of Sulawesi. The fast-growing lively port city is one of the largest cities in Indonesia.

There are still many buildings from the colonial period, such as the Society de Harmonie, the Cathedral and the old Court of Justice. In addition to the old colonial districts, there are many new areas with modern malls, which can compete well with those in Jakarta.

Due to its strategic location, in the middle of Indonesia, Makassar has a busy port. The city has traditionally been the gateway to Eastern Indonesia. Many boats and flights to Papua and the Moluccas go through Makassar. The city is well worth a visit and is often a good start to a Sulawesi trip.

What to see...

Fort Rotterdam is a must-see. The old fortress was taken around 1665 by Admiral Cornelis Speelman. The fort houses a church and 2 museums. Next to the Fort is the Chinese district with many beautiful temples and all kinds of Chinese shops where you can go for alternative medicines.

The bustling port of Paotere is home to the famous Buginze Phinisi ships that are still loaded by hand. The fishing port and fish market are an experience to experience especially in the morning hours. The fresh fish is then brought ashore and traded on the chaotic market. Don't be surprised if the merchants also offer you fish!

In the afternoon a ribbon of dining tables is set up on the famous Pantai Losari boulevard. Many Makassar residents enjoy strolling and eating around sunset.

Near Makassar are the Rammang-Rammang karst rocks in Bantimurung National Park. There are also caves with prehistoric drawings. In the weekends, the Bantimurung waterfall is frequented by local day trippers.

Favoriete restaurant

Meer dan 20, maar hier dan de échte aanraders:

Restaurant Nelayan aan de Jalan Ali Malakka Het visrestaurant Rumah Makan Nelayan serveert vers gebakken zeevis. De vis kunt u buiten in koelkisten uitzoeken. Deze wordt dan in olie gebakken (goreng) of op de BBQ voor u klaargemaakt (bakar). De vis wordt naar wens geserveerd met ketjap of voor de sambal liefhebber met veel sambal Rica Rica. Niet te versmaden is ook de cumi cumi tepung, in bloem gebakken inktvis. Deze wordt geserveerd met een niet al te pittig sausje. Neem als groenten tumis kangkun (lijkt op spinazie): in de wok klaargemaakt met tomaat, ui en knoflook. Of taugé uit de wok. Het geheel wordt geserveerd met diverse pittige en zoetzure sausje en klein gesneden tomaat met lombokjes.

Voor de lunch: Lumpia Sulawesi, een met de hand gedraaide loempia, vers in de wadjan gebakken. Op de Jalan Lasinrang, oftewel Lumpia Street . De loempia's worden geserveerd met sambal en met een niet al te pittige zoetzure saus.

Een andere specialiteit van Makassar is krab. Onze aanrader: restaurant Surya aan de Jalan Nusakambangan no 16