Reizen Trips Voyages Sumatra
Sumatra, Indonesia
Sumatra is one of the great green lungs of Inonesia. The major cities of Medan, Padang, Palembang and Banda Aceh are a relief compared to, for example, Jakarta or Surabaya.
Sumatra extends from Aceh province in the north to more than 2,200 km further Lampung in the south.
Highlights include Pualu Weh and Banda Aceh, Gunung Leuser National Park (jungle, orangutans and elephants), Lake Toba, the city of Bukittinggi and the surrounding area, the islands of Nias and Siberut, the extensive Kerinci Sablat park, the Way Kambas reserve and the island of Belitung.
A frequently made trip goes from Medan, via the Gunung Leuser park to Lake Toba. Especially nostalgic tourists then travel to Padang. Others return to Medan after Toba to continue the journey in Java.
Sumatran cuisine is known for its spicy dishes. Martabak is a typical Sumatran dish. It is a spiced omelette, filled with whatever you want, or whatever the restaurant's specialty is. Across the island you will find Warung Martabak, mobile restaurants that specialize in this dish. Rendang Padang can also be found all over the island (and far beyond). It is a braised or braised, very spicy beef dish.
Sumatra extends from Aceh province in the north to more than 2,200 km further Lampung in the south.
Highlights include Pualu Weh and Banda Aceh, Gunung Leuser National Park (jungle, orangutans and elephants), Lake Toba, the city of Bukittinggi and the surrounding area, the islands of Nias and Siberut, the extensive Kerinci Sablat park, the Way Kambas reserve and the island of Belitung.
A frequently made trip goes from Medan, via the Gunung Leuser park to Lake Toba. Especially nostalgic tourists then travel to Padang. Others return to Medan after Toba to continue the journey in Java.
Sumatran cuisine is known for its spicy dishes. Martabak is a typical Sumatran dish. It is a spiced omelette, filled with whatever you want, or whatever the restaurant's specialty is. Across the island you will find Warung Martabak, mobile restaurants that specialize in this dish. Rendang Padang can also be found all over the island (and far beyond). It is a braised or braised, very spicy beef dish.

The rainy season is on Sumatra somewhat less marked than in the rest of Indonesia. Particularly in West Sumatra (jungle and lakeToba) rainfall is spread throughout the year, although the wettest months are October-December.
During the period February-September the weather is in general drier, with occasional showers.
During the period February-September the weather is in general drier, with occasional showers.
Example Round trips Sumatra

Travelling around Sumatra is an experience in itself. The Trans-Sumatra Highway is some 3.000 km long and for the main part only a two-lane road.
A short and very popular Sumatra round trip goes from Medan to lake Toba and back via the jungle. But those who want to go further can take the two-week round trip to Padang and enjoy the nature around Bukittingi. If you want to continue all the way to the southeast your round trip takes even a good three weeks, but in the end you’ll see the rhinoceros and elephants.
For travellers with roots in less touristic places on Sumatra, Merapi, together with her local agent, always proposes a tailor-made round trip.
A short and very popular Sumatra round trip goes from Medan to lake Toba and back via the jungle. But those who want to go further can take the two-week round trip to Padang and enjoy the nature around Bukittingi. If you want to continue all the way to the southeast your round trip takes even a good three weeks, but in the end you’ll see the rhinoceros and elephants.
For travellers with roots in less touristic places on Sumatra, Merapi, together with her local agent, always proposes a tailor-made round trip.
Voorbeeldreizen Example trips Sumatra
Round trip 23 days Sumatra, central and east Java and Bali
This round trip takes you to the nature of Sumatra, Yogyakarta, East Java and Bali and brings you regularly in contact with the local population. A comfortable individual tour with plenty of room for special encounters.
Get impressed by the jungle of Sumatra, with elephants, orangutans and an adven...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Round trip 26 days adventurous and cultural Sumatra, Java en Bali
This round trip takes you to the nature of Sumatra, Java and Bali and brings you regularly in contact with the local population. A comfortable individual tour with plenty of room for special encounters.
Get impressed by the jungle of Sumatra, with the elephants, orangutans and an adventurous hike t...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Round trip 28 days classical and cultural Sumatra, Java en Bali
This round trip takes you through the culture and the nature of Sumatra, Java and Bali and brings you regularly in contact with the local population. A comfortable individual tour with plenty of room for special encounters.
Get acquainted with the Batak culture at Lake Toba. Via Bukittingi and the ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Round trip 16 days adventurous Sumatra and cultural Bali
This Bali & Beyond trip will take you to the jungle of North Sumatra and the beautiful Lake Toba to the Gods Island Bali where you will enjoy a wonderful beach and cultural holiday.
You’ll stay 8 days on Sumatra and 6 days on Bali
This trip has a nice mix of beach, nature and culture.
The fav...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Round trip 16 days Adventurous Sumatra and Pulau Weh
The favourite tour for nature and adventure lovers, also for families with teenagers!
Rainforest, jungle trekking, elephants, orangutans, (optional) wild-water rafting and culture on the island Samosir in the immense Lake Toba.
Then you fly to the bounty island Pulau Weh, where you can relax,...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Grouptours Sumatra

Merapi does not organize any group tours to Sumatra yet. If you have suggestions for group tours, we will be happy to hear them!
Groepsreizen Group trips Sumatra
Tour module roundtrips Sumatra
Our Sumatra modules are roundtrips with a combination of culture, nature and highlights. We’d love to help you build your tailor-made trip.
Bouwstenen Building blocks Sumatra
Bouwsteen Noord Sumatra cultuur & avontuur 9 dagen Tobameer&Jungle
De favoriete tour voor liefhebbers van natuur en avontuur, inclusief families met pubers!
Regenwoud, olifanten, orang oetans, (optioneel) wild-water rafting en cultuur op het eiland Samosir in het grote Tobameer.
U reist met uw eigen chauffeur en bepaalt dus zelf het tempo. De chauffeur weet ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Tour module 7 days nostalgic North Sumatra
A beautiful, nostalgic tour from Medan, past the orangutans in the jungle, through the mountain village of Brastagi to Lake Toba. Be surprised by the wild nature and experience the culture of the Batak peoples.
You travel with your own driver and therefore determine the pace yourself. The driver kn...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Tour module 8 days nostalgic Sumatra
Deze nostalgische rondreis brengt u van Medan via het Tobameer naar Padang. De tour is uitermate geschikt voor mensen op zoek naar nostalgie.
U verblijft onder andere op het mooie schiereiland Samosir in het grote kratermeer Danau Toba.
De reis voert u verder mee langs Siporok en het Minangkabau ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Tour module 15 days adventure north and west Sumatra
Deze avontuurlijke tour brengt u van Medan via het Tobameer en Bukittinggi naar Padang. De tour is uitermate geschikt voor gezinnen met opgroeiende jeugd en avontuurlijk aangelegde reizigers die graag van de begaande wegen willen afwijken.
De reis voert u vanaf Medan langs de jungle en orang oet...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Tour module 5 days nature Way Kanan - south Sumatra
The Way Kambas tour module will take you into wildlife experience in the Way Kambas National Park, South Sumatra. Here you can find the Sumatran elephants, the small Sunda slow loris, mammals, Siamang gibbons and many other species. Although Rhinos and Sumatran tigers also have their domicille in Wa...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Tour module 8 days jungle with 3d trekking north Sumatra
De ultieme tour voor avonturiers...
Regenwoud, een 3-daagse trekking dwars door het regenwoud, orang oetans en een wild-water raft op de Wampu-rivier!
Je reist met eigen chauffeur en maakt de trekking met je privé ranger en dragers.
Voor deze avontuurlijke reis dien je over een (zeer) goede ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Tour modue 7 days Belitung
Belitung is een eilandje voor de zuidoost kust van Sumatra. Het eiland dankt zijn naam aan het ertsbedrijf Billiton, die hier jaren tin heeft gemijnd. Deze bouwsteen neemt je mee over het eiland en laat je de cultuur en geschiedenis zien. Daarnaast natuurlijk een dagje eiland hoppen langs de vreemde...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Banda Acehanda Aceh or Banda Aceh is the capital of the northernmost province of Indonesia, Aceh. The population is strictly Islamic. Tourists are advised to respect Islam here and ladies are advised to wear a headscarf outside the hotel.
The city of 200,000 ... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
The city of 200,000 ... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires

Bandar LampungBandar lampung in South-West Sumatra is the capital of the province Lampung.
The city is actually composed of 2 cities, Telukbetung and TanjungKarang.
It’s a point of departure and arrival of ferries and planes from and to Jakarta when travelling... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
The city is actually composed of 2 cities, Telukbetung and TanjungKarang.
It’s a point of departure and arrival of ferries and planes from and to Jakarta when travelling... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
The island of Belitung has more than 250,000 inhabitants and is almost 5,000 square kilometers in size, comparable to the province of Gelderland. It is located in the southeast of Sumatra, approximately between Sumatra and Kalimantan. During the Du... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
The island of Belitung has more than 250,000 inhabitants and is almost 5,000 square kilometers in size, comparable to the province of Gelderland. It is located in the southeast of Sumatra, approximately between Sumatra and Kalimantan. During the Du... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires

BengkuluBengkulu (Bengcoolen) is an old university town in South West Sumatra.
It was founded by the English in 1685, the English Fort Marlborough was built by them in 1762 and is still there.
The city is located on the coast of the sparsely populated prov... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
It was founded by the English in 1685, the English Fort Marlborough was built by them in 1762 and is still there.
The city is located on the coast of the sparsely populated prov... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires

BrastagiThe mountain village of Brastagi is often visited as a stopover on the long route between the jungle and Lake Toba. The village is wonderfully cool at 1,300 meters above sea level. Surrounded by the volcanoes Sibayak and Sinabung, the soil is very fe...
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Bukit LawangBukit Lawang is the place that is often called Bohorok, the river of the same name. Bukit Lawang is located in the Gunung Leuser National park and is mainly visited to spot the orangutans. The former orangutan rehabilitation center is located directl...
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BukittinggiBukittinggi (high hill) is situated in the middle of Sumatra in the Minangkabau highland.
In the past this city was known as Fort de Cock, the bell tower built by the Dutch in 1926, which you still can visit on the town square.
In the Natural Par... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
In the past this city was known as Fort de Cock, the bell tower built by the Dutch in 1926, which you still can visit on the town square.
In the Natural Par... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires

The paradise island of Cubadak is a three-quarter drive and a half hour's boat ride south of Padang. The Cubadak Paradiso resort is the island's main attraction. From the resort you can dive, snorkel and surf.... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
The paradise island of Cubadak is a three-quarter drive and a half hour's boat ride south of Padang. The Cubadak Paradiso resort is the island's main attraction. From the resort you can dive, snorkel and surf.... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
HarauThe Harau valley or canyon is a piece of relatively flat land, surrounded by 100 meter high steep rocky walls and many, many waterfalls. The canyon is excellent for beautiful walks through the rice fields, nature and friendly little villages, with id...
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Kersik TuoKersik Tuo is de meest noordelijke regio in het Kerinci Sablat natuurreservaat en ligt op de flanken van de Kerinci vulkaan....
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Lubuk LinggauLubuklinggau is een stad in de provincie Zuid-Sumatra, op het eiland Sumatra, Indonesië. De stad heeft 167.138 inwoners en heeft een oppervlakte van 401,5 km². Lubuklinggau grenst in het noorden, oosten en zuiden aan het regentschap Musi Rawas en in ...
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ManinjauLake Maninjau is a 45-minute drive from the city of Bukittinggi. The surroundings of the lake are wonderful for walking....
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MedanMedan is the capital of the province of North Sumatra and has more than 2.5 million inhabitants. In the Dutch East Indies period there were many plantations outside the city, especially rubber did well. The 1965 book "Rubber" by M.H. Szekely-Lulofs g...
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MuaraKlein plaatsje aan de zuidkust van het Tobameer....
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PadangPadang is the capital of the Minangkabau in the province of west Sumatra with over 850,000 inhabitants.
Here is the cradle of the Padang restaurants that you come across all over Indonesia and that even nestle in Europe.
The Padang restaurants ha... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Here is the cradle of the Padang restaurants that you come across all over Indonesia and that even nestle in Europe.
The Padang restaurants ha... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires

Padang SidempuanFrom Samosir it is a full day driving on the Trans Sumatra Highway to the west. Baramun Nagari Wildlife Sanctuary is located near the town of Padang Sidempuan, which has nothing to offer tourists themselves. The large park houses a shelter for elepha...
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PalembangPalembang is the capital of the Indonesian province of South Sumatra. It is the second largest city in Sumatra and the sixth largest city in Indonesia. The city has more than a million inhabitants. Palembang is divided in two by the Musi River, the l...
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PangkalpinangPangkal Pinang is a place on the east side of the island of Bangka which is located east of the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. It is the capital of the Bangka-Belitung province. She has been the capital of the province since 1913. Source: Wikipedia...
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ParapatPrapat or Perapat is a village and peninsula of the same name in a bay of Lake Toba, on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It is located in the Toba-Batak area, and houses a Bataks cultural center. Every year the "Toba Festival" is held, which lasts a...
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PekanbaruPekanbaru is nowadays primarily an industrial town, in particular for woodprocessing.
During the Japanse occupation many war prisoners and Romusha’s (recruited Indonesian workers) in particular were forced to build the railway from Pekanbaru to Buk... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
During the Japanse occupation many war prisoners and Romusha’s (recruited Indonesian workers) in particular were forced to build the railway from Pekanbaru to Buk... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires

Pematang SiantarPematang Siantar is een plaats, ongeveer halverwege de plantageroute van Medan naar het Tobameer. De ideale plaats voor de lunchpauze is het koloniale Hotel Siantar.
Wat in het straatbeeld opvalt zijn de fraai beschilderde motortaxi's.... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Wat in het straatbeeld opvalt zijn de fraai beschilderde motortaxi's.... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires

Pulau Banyak islandsPulau Banyak is a group of islands in the province of Aceh on the west coast of Sumatra. The Yayasan (foundation) Pulau Banyak is committed to the conservation of nature, including in particular the giant tortoises....
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Pulau WehThe small (155 km2) island of Pulau Weh is a wonderful place to start or end a holiday. White beaches, good dive sites and snorkeling spots, reasonably set up for western tourists and of course delicious fish dishes.
Divers can expect a varied mar... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Divers can expect a varied mar... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires

Lake Toba is the largest lake in Indonesia with a length of about 100 km and a width of 30 km. It originated from a volcanic eruption, roughly 75,000 years ago. The Toba Batakkers live around the lake, a people of predominantly Christian faith, mix... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Lake Toba is the largest lake in Indonesia with a length of about 100 km and a width of 30 km. It originated from a volcanic eruption, roughly 75,000 years ago. The Toba Batakkers live around the lake, a people of predominantly Christian faith, mix... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires

SipirokFor those who do not feel like the Wildlife Sanctury at Padang Sidempuan, SIpirok, just on the west coast, may be an option. Although we receive many complaints about accommodations here, it is a beautiful place by the sea.
Sipirok is located approx... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Sipirok is located approx... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires

Sungai Pisang
Sungai Pisang is a small village at a 45-minute drive south of Padang. Wooden boats are grown in the village. After another 45 minutes sailing you will arrive at the Rimba Eco lodge.... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Sungai Pisang is a small village at a 45-minute drive south of Padang. Wooden boats are grown in the village. After another 45 minutes sailing you will arrive at the Rimba Eco lodge.... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires

TangakahanFrom Medan to Tangkahan it is about a 2 hour drive and 2 hours bump through endless and desolate palm oil plantations. When you arrive at the river you can see that the rainforest hood has also stopped here. The forest of the Leuser National Park sta...
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Way KambasWay Kambas National Park is a park in the province of Lampung on southwest Sumatra. The park is known for the presence of the Sumatran rhinoceros. The Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary is also located in Way Kambas National Park for research and a breeding pr...
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Accommodaties Accommodations Hébergements Sumatra
Banda Aceh
The Pade - Banda Aceh

The Pade is a beautiful boutique hotel in the new Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam district. The hotel has 56 rooms and a nice swimming pool, fitness centre, spa and massage, restaurant and coffee bar.
The rooms all have air conditioning, balcony or terrace, minibar, TV / DVD, kettle, bathrobes and free Wi...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Yudi's Place - Lhoknga - Aceh

The small-scale Yudi's Place is the cosy accommodation for surfers and kite surfers at the Seabreeze kite club.
With great waves and wind (from May to September) it is for both kite-surfers and 'ordinary' surfers a paradise on earth!
Yudi's Place has 2 neat cottages, 4 Deluxe rooms and 4 stand...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Bandar Lampung
Hotel Horison - Bandar Lampung

This hotel is located on the top of a mountain and thus offers a beautiful view of the Lampung bay. Near the center of Bandur Lampung, only ten minutes away from the shopping centre and 45 minutes from Branti Airport.
Number of rooms: 104
Facilities: Restaurant, Marco Mini Bar, Swimming Pool, ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Biliton Hotel - Belitung

The colonial-style Biliton is located in the centre of the city of Tanjung Pandan on the island of Belitung. The beach of Tanjung Pandang is a 10-minute walk away.
The hotel has a swimming pool, restaurant and free Wi-Fi.
The rooms have air conditioning, shower or bath with hot water and TV. D...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
BW suite - Tanjung Pandan Belitung

The new 4 * BW Belitung has more than 200 rooms and is located directly on the sea. The hotel has a restaurant, sunset bar, spacious swimming pool, gym and spa.
All rooms have air conditioning, minibar, safe, TV, kettle and free wifi. Deluxe rooms also have a balcony.meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Rock & Wreck resort - Tanjung Kelayang Belitung

Het Rock & Wreck resort ligt direct aan het witte strand van Tanjung Kelayang, in het noordwesten van Belitung. Het gezellige resort heeft 14 unieke traditionele houten cottages. De cottages zijn vervaardigd van oude cottages en geheel in de oude stijl weer opgebouwd. De oudste cottage is zeker 100 ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Swiss Belresort - Belitung

The Swiss Belresort is located on the northwest coast of Belitung Island. The resort is located almost directly on the sea. From the infinity pool you have a beautiful view of the sea and the so typical islands that mark Belitung. There is a good restaurant, beach club, pool bar, swimming pool, chil...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Hotel Horizon - Bengkulu

This hotel is located on the Panjang beach of Bangkulu. In the vicinity of various attractions such as the villa where Soekarno stayed during his exile and the old Fort Marlborough. The airport is about 20 minutes away. The hotel's swimming pool overlooks the beach and the sea. The staff is very ser...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Hotel Sinabung Hills - Brastagi

Just outside the town of Brastagi is the 3 * Sinabung Hills hotel. From the hotel you have a beautiful view over the volcano.
The Deluxe rooms offer the best value for money and are located in the main building.
All rooms have a balcony, television, telephone and bathroom with bath or shower and t...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Grand Mutiara Brastagi

The beautiful hotel Grand Mutiara is located In the hills near Brastagi and has a beautiful view on the Sinabung volcano.
All rooms have a balcony, TV, kettle, AC and a private bathroom.
The hotel has a nice swimming pool, restaurant and coffee bar.
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Mikie Holiday Sinabung - Brastagi

The typical Mikie Holiday is located on the flanks of the Sinabung. With 149 rooms it is a medium-sized hotel with a modern look.
The hotel has a nice swimming pool. All rooms have their own shower and toilet, TV and WiFi.
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Bukit Lawang
Eco Lodge Bukit Lawang - Bohorok

Simple but clean hotel, with cottages on the ground floor. A hanging bridge over the river Bohorok is the entrance to the hotel. In the open restaurant there’s plenty of choice.
The spacious rooms are equipped with a fan, no air-conditioning and there is an outdoor shower.
In the vicinity you c...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Sam's bungalow Bukit Lawang 

Sam's bungalow is een klein familiehotel, gelegen aan de Bohorok rivier. Het hotel heeft een restaurant, bar en terras. De schone kamers hebben een ventilator, bedden met klamboe, privé badkamer met warm water en een balkon met uitzicht op de rivier of op de bergen.meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Batu Katak guesthouse - Bukit Lawang

The simple Batu Katak guesthouse is located directly on the Bohorok River. The guesthouse has only 4 simple rooms. The bathrooms have a western toilet and a mandibak with cold water. There is a simple restaurant. Furthermore, no luxury like WiFi or other facilities.meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Padi Ecolodge - Bukittinggi

You will certainly enjoy this 4 * hotel during your stay in Bukittinggi.
This hotel is suitable for all types of travelers.
You can relax in the massage parlour, the swimming pool or by taking a walk in the garden.
Number of rooms: 101
Swimming pool, children's pool, restaurant,...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Monopoli hotel - Bukittinggi (voorheen Novotel)

Novotel Bukittinggi is located in the city center, at walking distance from Jam Gadang (Bukittinggi icon), Pasar Atas and Benteng Fort de Kock, and close to Jambatan Limpapeh. Novotel Bukittinggi is about 76 km from the Minang Kabau International Airport.
Located in the heart of the fabulous Bukitt...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Abdi homestay - Harau

The very simple ABdi homestay Harau is located in the Harau valley at the foot of the 100 meter high cliff.
The bathroom has a western toilet and a mandi basin.
From the homestay, beautiful walks through the valley can be made, with a dip under the waterfall.
Number of rooms: 5
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Kersik Tuo
Subandy Homestay - Kersik Tuo

This simple accommodation is located at the foot of the Kerinci volcano and near the Kayoe Aro Tea Plantation.
Number of rooms: 7
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Lubuk Linggau
Hotel Lintas - Lubuk Linggau

Eenvoudig hotel in Lubuk Linggaumeer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Nuansa Maninjau

Nicely situated very dated hotel with a wonderful view over Lake Maninjau. If you don't want to stay in an old hotel you'd better spend the night in Bukittingi.meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Deli River - Medan

Small and clean hotel, just outside de bustle of Medan. Spacious and beautifully situated on the river Deli. From the swimming pool view on the river. Friendly and helpful staff.
Number of rooms: 8
Facilities: swimming pool, good restaurant
Deli River is managed by Tri Jaya Tour & Travel, ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Grand Swissbel - Medan

Dit Swiss-Bel 5* hotel ligt in het zakelijke centrum van Medan. Het hotel biedt een oase van rust in deze drukke omgeving. Er zijn ruim voldoende faciliteiten om u een comfortabel verblijf te bezorgen.
Aantal kamers: 242
Faciliteiten: Zwembad met glazen wand, fitness & spa, restaurant, bar &lo...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Garuda Plaza - Medan

Dit luxe 4* hotel heeft kort geleden een nieuw gebouw geopend met mooie, ruime kamers. Het personeel zorgt voor een comfortabel verblijf. Kamers beschikken over een tv, dvd-speler, haardroger, kluis en de mogelijkheid om koffie en thee te zetten.
Aantal kamers: 147
Faciliteiten: Zwembad, resta...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Soechi Novotel - Medan

Een 4-sterren Business hotel van de Novotel keten in Chinatown district, met veel faciliteiten voor de zakelijke gast en toerist. Alle kamers beschikken over airconditioning, badkamer, minibar, haardroger,kluis, koffie en thee zet faciliteiten en internet-aansluiting.
Zwembad, rest...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Sentosa resort - Muara

This modern hotel is only a few years old. It is beautifully situated on the edge of the Toba lake. Here you are away from the bustle of Medan and you can relax.
Number of rooms: 25
Facilities: 24 hour room service, music lounge, laundry service, massage, transfer to airport, boat rental.
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Pangeran's Beach - Padang

In dit luxe zakenhotel kunt u een prima verblijf verwachten. Het hotel is van alle gemakken voorzien en het personeel is zeer gastvrij.
Aantal kamers: 176
Faciliteiten: Zwembad, restaurant, beauty salon, 24 uurs-roomservice, vergaderruimtes, loungebar, muziekbar, wasservice, parkeerruimte, fi...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
d'Ox Ville - Padang

Middenklasse hotel aan de rand van het centrum en op loopafstand van de rivier. De schone kamers zijn niet al te ruim bemeten en beschikken over gratis toiletartikelen, douche, kluisje, telefoon, föhn en waterkoker meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Santika Premiere - Padang

Het moderne Santika Premiere hotel ligt in het centrum van de stad en op minder dan 500 meter van het strand. Er is een restaurant, buitenterras, bar, zwembad en overal gratis wifi.
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Padang Sidempuan
Hotel Natama - Padang Sidempuan

This simple 2 * hotel is located on the outskirts of Pedang. The rooms are simple but fine for a short stay. All rooms are equipped with air conditioning, TV, bathroom and telephone.
Number of rooms: 20
Facilities: Restaurant, bar, small shop, lockers and ATM.meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Hotel Mega Permata - Padang Sidempuan

New (2012) hotel in Padang Sidempuan on the outskirts of town.meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Barumun Nagari lodge

Eenvoudig guesthouse met simpele, maar schone kamers. Er zijn een paar kamers afgestemd op Westerse toeristen met westers toilet en warme douche. Tijdens verblijf in het guesthouse zijn lunch en diner inclusief.meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Swarna Dwipa - Palembang

Eenvoudig hotel in het centrum, op loopafstand van het fort Benteng Kuto Besak.
Alle kamers beschikken over airco, tv, waterkoker en douche/toilet. Het hotel beschikt over een restaurant en buitenzwembad.meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Hotel Niagara - Parapat

Hotel Niagara is beautifully situated on the Toba lake. Most rooms have a balcony with a view over the lake.
Number of rooms: 200
Facilities: Swimming pool with jacuzzi, restaurant, bar and karaoke club, meeting rooms, mini-zoo and playground.
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Mutiara Merdeka - Pekanbaru

In this luxurious 4 * hotel you will find the Indonesian culture, but it is still very modern. They offer good service and the hotel is fully equipped. Every room has a TV, bathroom, minibar and coffee and tea facilities.
Facilities: Restaurant & bar, swimming pool, 24-hour room service, fitness,...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Aryaduta - Pekanbaru

Het 3* Aryaduta hotel ligt in het centrum van Pekanbaru. Het hotelheeft een restaurant, zwembad en gym.
Kamers zijn netjes, met airco en eigen badkamer.
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Pematang Siantar
Hotel Siantar - Pematang Siantar

Hotel Siantar is in 1912 gebouwd en nog steeds in originele staat. De historische eetzaal is een bezoek waard. De kamers zijn eenvoudig maar het geheel brengt u honderd jaar terug in de tijd.meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Pulau Weh
Lumba Lumba Diving & Living - Pulau Weh

Lumba Lumba is located on the small island Pulau Weh in the extreme west of Sumatra, at the most Northwestern tip of Indonesia. The rooms overlook the beach of Gapang in the bay of the island. De rooms are clean and simple, equipped with a fan. Accommodation based on bed (without breakfast), There a...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Casa Nemo resort - Pulau Weh

The small resort is located on the white Sumur tiga beach, and has 8 bungalows with view on the sea. The rooms are equipped with a fan, mosquito net, minibar and a private terrace.
The resort has a restaurant with local and international menus and a barbecue bar.
From the beach it’s only 30 mete...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Toledo Inn - Samosir

Nice hotel on Samosir island with rooms housed in Batak style cottages.
The hotel is located directly in the town of Tuk-Tuk on Lake Toba and all rooms have a beautiful view of this lake.
All simple rooms have a bathroom, TV and private balcony.
Number of Rooms: 134
Swimming poo...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Samosir Villa resort

Samosir Villa resort is quite recent (2012) and beautifully situated in the village TukTuk on the island Samosir.
Of course it’s very nice to go for a swim in lake Tobe, but there’s also a great swimming pool.
All rooms have a small balcony with view on Lake Toba, TV and a safety box. VIP roo...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Tabo cottages - Samosir

The cozy and small-scale Tabo cottages is located directly on the Toba lake. The hotel has around 40 rooms, ranging from Superior (Basic, private bathroom with hot water), Deluxe (spacious with private veranda and fan), Batak cottages (separate cottages with the same Deluxe amenities) and Junior sui...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
New Sikuai Resort

The resort is located on the beautiful bounty island of Sikuai, about 40 minutes by boat from Padang.
The slightly dated cottages are spacious, equipped with TV, AC, minibar, shower with hot and cold water. All cottages have their own veranda. There are gardenview, deluxe and seaview cottages.
...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Tor Sibohi - Sipirok

Built in the traditional Batak style, this hotel is located on top of a hill giving you a beautiful view of the surroundings. It consists of several bungalows, which are very simple but sufficient. The bungalows are divided into a lounge, bedroom and bathroom and have a television and telephone.
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Sungai Penuh
Sungai Pisang
Rimba lodge Sungai Pisang

The Rimba lodge is the ultimate place to enjoy the beach, jungle, coral and fish.
The lodge has very simple rooms, of which we usually use the Harimau lodges (Dlx). It has a double and single bed and an open-air bathroom with a western toilet and hot running water. The Penyu and Owa Owa lodges (Spr...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Black Tiger Lodge - Tangkahan

Very simple accommodation, surrounded by nature. The owner, Black Tiger, can talk whole evenings about the Leuse nature reserve and has the best guides.
The food is delicious! The rooms very simple and not always clean.
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Jungle Lodge - Tangkahan

The Jungle Lodge is located on the edge of the Gunung Leuser nature park on a stream in the middle of the rainforest.
You can not get closer to nature!
The hotel only uses eco friendly materials.
All simple rooms have a private bathroom and terrace overlooking the jungle.
Number of rooms: 4
...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Mega Inn, Tangkahan

Simple but very cosy accommodation on the edge of Leuser National Park. The simple cottages are directly situated on the river. There’s no hot water, but there is delicious food and there is Mega, your very caring host .meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Linnea Resort - Tangkahan

The simple Linnea resort is located directly on, or better, above the river. The resort has 8 bungalows and 2 rooms at the restaurant. The rooms, like the other Tangkahan shelters, have no airco or fan. There is a mosquito net. The bathrooms have a western toilet and (cold) running water.meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Way Kambas
Satwa Sumatra Ecolodge Way Kambas

This lodge (formerly Motel Kalpataru) is located near the Way Kambas National Park. It consists of 8 bungalows that are spaciously set up. Each room has a bathroom with hot water and a ceiling fan that works on solar energy.
Number of rooms: 8
Facilities: Restaurant and bar.meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Satwa Lodge - Way Kambas

Simple eco lodge 500 meters from the Way Kambas National park.
The lodge has 4 two-room cottages, equipped with fan, shower with hot running water, western toilet and private terrace. In short: very simple accommodation where you quickly feel at home among the Asian fruit trees.
There is a simple ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Rondreis Sumatra, Java en Bali | 25-08-2018
Merapi wist zich te verplaatsen in onze reiswensen en mogelijkheden om natuur, cultuur, historie van het land, de koloniale tijd en een gevoel te geven van het land waar mijn vader 3 jaar als militair heeft doorgebracht. En het graf van de gesneuvelde broer van mijn moeder in Bandung te bezoeken. On... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Merapi wist zich te verplaatsen in onze reiswensen en mogelijkheden om natuur, cultuur, historie van het land, de koloniale tijd en een gevoel te geven van het land waar mijn vader 3 jaar als militair heeft doorgebracht. En het graf van de gesneuvelde broer van mijn moeder in Bandung te bezoeken. On... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Sumatra - op zoek naar de Orang Pendek | 07-05-2018
Beste Vera,
Dank voor uw e-mail. Bij dezen stuur ik u een recensie.
In mei 2019 ben ik naar Indonesië geweest voor een aantal trekkings in het oerwoud van Sumatra. Dit was een groot succes en dit was echt nooit gelukt zonder Merapi Tour & Travel. Ik had bijzondere en moeilijk te realiseren wen... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Beste Vera,
Dank voor uw e-mail. Bij dezen stuur ik u een recensie.
In mei 2019 ben ik naar Indonesië geweest voor een aantal trekkings in het oerwoud van Sumatra. Dit was een groot succes en dit was echt nooit gelukt zonder Merapi Tour & Travel. Ik had bijzondere en moeilijk te realiseren wen... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Sumatra en Bali | 08-07-2017
Beste Flip/Vera,
We zijn weer thuis na een fijne vakantie. Ik zou jullie een samenvatting geven van de gehele reis:
• Medan/Deli River: op zich prima, maar te kort om er iets over te zeggen. Het regende namelijk bij aankomst en we hebben dus niet kunnen genieten van tuin/zwembad. Wellicht he... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Beste Flip/Vera,
We zijn weer thuis na een fijne vakantie. Ik zou jullie een samenvatting geven van de gehele reis:
• Medan/Deli River: op zich prima, maar te kort om er iets over te zeggen. Het regende namelijk bij aankomst en we hebben dus niet kunnen genieten van tuin/zwembad. Wellicht he... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Sumatra-Java en Bali | 01-08-2014
Terima kasih!
Goedemiddag Jan,
Je was ons net voor met mailen want we willen je heel hartelijk bedanken voor de geweldige vakantie die wij met jouw hulp hebben gehad. Wat hebben wij genoten van het land en de mensen.
We begonnen op Sumatra met chauffeur Yoel, wat een fantastische man is da... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Terima kasih!
Goedemiddag Jan,
Je was ons net voor met mailen want we willen je heel hartelijk bedanken voor de geweldige vakantie die wij met jouw hulp hebben gehad. Wat hebben wij genoten van het land en de mensen.
We begonnen op Sumatra met chauffeur Yoel, wat een fantastische man is da... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Sumatra-Java-Bali | 14-07-2014
Onze rondreis langs Sumatra, Java en Bali was inderdaad onvergetelijk en indrukwekkend. De vriendelijke en behulpzame lokale mensen, het oerwoud, de olifanten, orang-oetans, de Bromo vulkaan allerlei soorten bloemen en tropisch fruit. Ik voelde me bevoorrecht om dit allemaal te mogen ervaren. Ik be... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Onze rondreis langs Sumatra, Java en Bali was inderdaad onvergetelijk en indrukwekkend. De vriendelijke en behulpzame lokale mensen, het oerwoud, de olifanten, orang-oetans, de Bromo vulkaan allerlei soorten bloemen en tropisch fruit. Ik voelde me bevoorrecht om dit allemaal te mogen ervaren. Ik be... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Bouwsteen noord Sumatra | 21-10-2013
We hebben het geweldig naar onze zin gehad in Sumatra. De accomodaties waren goed of voldoende. Alleen Brastagi Cottage vonden we minder. Geen raam in het slaapkamer gedeelte. Tevens vonden wij de kamer ernstig verouderd. Ronny de Toba zanger was ook erg leuk. Tevens vonden wij he... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
We hebben het geweldig naar onze zin gehad in Sumatra. De accomodaties waren goed of voldoende. Alleen Brastagi Cottage vonden we minder. Geen raam in het slaapkamer gedeelte. Tevens vonden wij de kamer ernstig verouderd. Ronny de Toba zanger was ook erg leuk. Tevens vonden wij he... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
noord en west Sumatra en Bogor | 18-07-2013
Beste Vera,
Ik was er nog steeds niet aan toegekomen je te laten weten wat een geweldige reis we gemaakt hebben. Ik ben weer heel blij dat ik de reis bij Merapi geboekt heb. Het was overweldigend. Vooral Sumatra was heel bijzonder. Ik had er weinig voorstelling van wat we zouden tegenkomen: Batak... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Beste Vera,
Ik was er nog steeds niet aan toegekomen je te laten weten wat een geweldige reis we gemaakt hebben. Ik ben weer heel blij dat ik de reis bij Merapi geboekt heb. Het was overweldigend. Vooral Sumatra was heel bijzonder. Ik had er weinig voorstelling van wat we zouden tegenkomen: Batak... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Bali & Beyond: Sumatra | 08-07-2012
Beste medewerkers van Merapi,
Afgelopen zaterdag zijn we terug gekomen van een fantastische reis door Sumatra en Bali, die door jullie was georganiseerd.
Na een minder goede start (door noodweer in Frankfurt onze aansluiting naar Singapore gemist), heeft Lufthansa dit probleem voortreffelijk o... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Beste medewerkers van Merapi,
Afgelopen zaterdag zijn we terug gekomen van een fantastische reis door Sumatra en Bali, die door jullie was georganiseerd.
Na een minder goede start (door noodweer in Frankfurt onze aansluiting naar Singapore gemist), heeft Lufthansa dit probleem voortreffelijk o... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Noord Sumatra en Bali | 09-02-2012
Beste Priscilla,
Wij zijn weer thuis van een ongelooflijk mooie reis.
Eerst onze vlucht naar Medan, die voor mijn man toch heel veel verheldering heeft gegeven dat er toch niet zoveel uit zijn jaren van vóór 1940 meer is en wat toch eigenlijk wel tegenviel gezien de staat waarin alles verkeerd... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Beste Priscilla,
Wij zijn weer thuis van een ongelooflijk mooie reis.
Eerst onze vlucht naar Medan, die voor mijn man toch heel veel verheldering heeft gegeven dat er toch niet zoveel uit zijn jaren van vóór 1940 meer is en wat toch eigenlijk wel tegenviel gezien de staat waarin alles verkeerd... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Excursies Excursions
Een halve of volle dag genieten van het regenwoud in het Gunung Leuser National park.
Uw lokale gids spreekt redelijk Engels en neemt u mee door de jungle. Hij houdt zijn oren en ogen open en laat u alle versteld staan van wat er allemaal in de jungle gebeurt. U ziet en hoort vogels, apen en met ...
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Diving-trips Sumatra

When you think of Sumatra, you think of jungle and lake Toba. Diving-trips to Sumatra are not very well known yet.
There are not many dive resorts or dive centres. On many islands we haven’t been able to find good accommodation and/or dive-centres yet. We don’t recommend Batam because it is dominated by Singaporean mass tourism.
Beautiful is the dive resort on the westernmost tip, Pulau Weh and off the coast of Padang the bounty island Cubadak..
Both locations are well-equipped for both beginners and experienced divers. Merapi will be happy to help you put together your favourite dive trip on Sumatra, if desired in combination with one of our other tour modules.
There are not many dive resorts or dive centres. On many islands we haven’t been able to find good accommodation and/or dive-centres yet. We don’t recommend Batam because it is dominated by Singaporean mass tourism.
Beautiful is the dive resort on the westernmost tip, Pulau Weh and off the coast of Padang the bounty island Cubadak..
Both locations are well-equipped for both beginners and experienced divers. Merapi will be happy to help you put together your favourite dive trip on Sumatra, if desired in combination with one of our other tour modules.
Duiken Diving Sumatra
Lumba Lumba Diving & Living - Pulau Weh
Lumba Lumba is located on the small island Pulau Weh in the extreme west of Sumatra, at the most Northwestern tip of Indonesia. The rooms overlook the beach of Gapang in the bay of the island. De rooms are clean and simple, equipped with a fan. Accommodation based on bed (without breakfast), There a...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Cruises Sumatra
Merapi doesn't organise cruises (yet) in the surrounding waters of Sumatra.