• Tobameer
  • Samosir
  • Tangkahan
  • Bohorok

Round trip 23 days Sumatra, central and east Java and Bali

This round trip takes you to the nature of Sumatra, Yogyakarta, East Java and Bali and brings you regularly in contact with the local population. A comfortable individual tour with plenty of room for special encounters.
Get impressed by the jungle of Sumatra, with elephants, orangutans and an adventurous hike through the rainforest. Get acquainted with the Batak culture at Lake Toba.
Discover Indonesia, with the highlights of Java, including the famous Borobudur and a train trip to the Bromo volcano. Special is also the excursion (included) to the sea turtle centre in Sukamade, east Java.

Then you take the ferry to Bali and enjoy the beautiful beach of Menjangan, the art and culture in Ubud and end this wonderful trip in a beachfront hotel in Sanur.

The trip and the accommodations are perfectly suited for both young and old. Almost every hotel has a swimming pool.
On the way, plenty of attention and time for stops where you have time to take pictures, walk through the nature and meet with everyday life and the people on Java.

When you travel with a guide he is very attentive and tells you about the country and its customs.

This is an example of what a trip can look like, we’ll be happy to create a tailor-made trip for you

Target prices 2024

€ 2.795 p.p. based on 2 persons in low season
€ 2.075 p.p. based on 4 persons in low season
Exclusief vluchten

Included and excluded

•Accommodaties op basis van logies en ontbijt in middenklasse hotels
•Privé auto of busje met chauffeur, brandstof, parkeer- en tolgelden, de chauffeur zijn maaltijden en overnachtingen
•Excursiepakket Sumatra- Excursiepakket Java
•Treinreis Yogyakarta-Bromo
•Ferry Java-Bali
•Transfers en excursies volgens reisschema op Bali
•late check-out op Bali

•Engels- of Nederlandstalige gids
•Overige maaltijden
•Fooien en uitgaven van persoonlijke aard
•Overige entreegelden en donaties
•Reis- en annuleringsverzekeringen
•Boekingskosten € 27,50
•Bijdrage Calamiteitenfonds (€ 2,50 per boeking)
•Bijdrage SGR € 5,00 per persoon
•CO2 compensatie € 22 per persoon

Day 1 flight Amsterdam-Medan

Garuda Indonesia flies non-stop from Amsterdam to Jakarta with its new Boeing 777-300 ER. Experience the hospitality of Indonesian culture on board at Garuda Indonesia, the national airline of Indonesia. With more than 65 domestic destinations Garuda takes you to Jakarta, Bali, Lombok, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Ambon and many remote destinations. The direct connection will take you from Amsterdam to Jakarta in just 13.5 hours. Departure from Amsterdam around midday, arrival in Jakarta early in the morning. Your connecting flight departs about 2 hours later and takes about 2.5 hours.

Day 2 Arrival Medan, transfer to hotel

Selamat datang, welcome to Medan! Upon arrival in Medan you walk straight to the immigration booth to get your visa free stamp in your passport. It is valid for 30 days maximum, calculated from the first day you arrive in Indonesia regardless of the time of arrival or departure. In Medan your driver is waiting for you with a piece of board with your name on it. He will drive you to Hotel Deli River, a little family hotel just outside the big city Medan. The hotel is surrounded by a beautiful tropical garden and has a swimming-pool. Depending on the time of your arrival you can make a short city tour or acclimatise at your hotel.

Day 3 Medan - Lake Toba

After breakfast we leave for a long ride of about 4 hour to lake Toba. On our way we drive past endless rubber, cacao and palm oil plantations. We stop for lunch in Pematang Siantar. After lunch the landscape becomes more varied and we drive slowly up into the mountains. In the afternoon arrival in Prapat on the edge of Lake Toba from where you cross the lake to the island Samosir, in the centre of Lake Toba.

Day 4 Lake Toba - Samosir island tour and dinner at Marysca restaurant

We visit several authentic Batak villages with their typical saddle back roof houses. The Batak people were among the first people that settled in Indonesia. They came by boat from Indo China. The houses are still built in the shape of a boat – saddle back roof. The population here is Christian and the Batak people are known for their beautiful voices and music. Today you can visit the characteristic Toba Batak villages Tomok, with the King’s Tomb, Ambarita with its execution tables and Simanindo for traditional Toba dances. Dinner in the cosy restaurant Marysca's with Rony’s vocalgroup.

Day 5 LakeToba-Brastagi

Beautiful route through the Karo Highland along pineapple, clove and ginger plantations. Along the way stops at the Kingshouse of the Batak Simalungun tribe in Pematang Purba and the Sipisopiso waterfall. arrival in Brastagi In the afternoon. Brastagi, a mountain village in the Karo highland, has been a popular ‘tourist resort’ since the twenties for its pleasant cool climate and its beautiful setting. In Brastagi you can go to the fruitmarket to buy delicious mangistan, rambutan, marquisa and other tropical fruit. You can also go to the Karo Batak Dokan Traditional Village where the people still live in traditional Karo houses. Travel time circa 5 hours

Day 6 Brastagi-Tangkahan

Sportievelingen stappen ruim voor dag en dauw uit bed om in ongeveer 3 uur de Sibayak vulkaan te beklimmen. Rond zonsopkomst heeft u vanaf de kraterrand een prachtig uitzicht op de omgeving. Onderweg terug naar de voet kunt u nog een bad nemen bij de hotsprings. Minder sportief ingestelde reizigers bezoeken na het ontbijt de bloemen- en fruitmarkt. U vervolgt daarna de route via Medan en eindeloze rubber- en palmolieplantages naar de overweldigende regenwouden van het Gunung Leuser park: Tangkahan. 2 overnachtingen in Tangkahan.

Day 7 Tangkahan

The sounds from the jungle will wake you up early in the morning. The program in Tangkahan is never a really fixed program; most of the days we can walk to the elephant camp in the morning or in the late afternoon. The rangers wash the elephants every morning and late afternoon (except on Fridays) in the river at the camp. These elephants patrol in the jungle to prevent illegal logging. They also clear up the jungle from fallen trees. On the days the elephants are in the camp we can help the rangers washing them, a nice way to interact naturally with these animals. What’s sure is that we can swim in the river or ‘tube’ ,floating down the river on a tractor tube. We walk back to our hotel through little villages. The jungle in Tangkahan is also perfectly suited for a half day or a whole day trekking through the jungle. An experienced ranger walks with you at an easy pace through the rainforest and draws your attention to all kinds of animals living in the jungle. You’ll also walk past a waterfall where it is swarming with butterflies.

Day 8 Tangkahan to Bukit Lawang. Visit orangutangs and 3hrs jungle trek

At the end of the morning you travel through plantations and forests to Bukit Lawang. Bukit Lawang is situated on the beautiful Bohorok rivier. It is really an impressive natural area with an impenetrable jungle above a noisy wild water river. In this nature reserve you can see the orangutans in their natural environment. To get there you have to make a tough climb through the jungle.

Day 9 From Bukit Lawang via Medan to Yogyakarta

After an early breakfast, drive back to Medan airport for your direct 12:55 Air Asia flight to Yogyakarta, arriving around 4 PM. At the exit of the airport, your Javanese driver or guide will be waiting for you to take you to your hotel near Borobudur. 1 night at Borobudur.

Flight Medan-Jakarta-Yogyakarta (Garuda)

Flight with Garuda Indonesia

Day 10 Borobudur sunrise tour and Yogya city tour

You have to get up early for a sunrise... Between 4 and 4.30 am your driver will be waiting and will take you to a mountain with a beautiful view of Borobudur. Once the sun has risen, enjoy breakfast before heading to the temple complex. The Borobudur is the world famous and largest Buddhist temple complex in the world. A walk along the more than 1400 reliefs will take you to the highest terrace of the temple complex where the Buddhas sit under a stupa. After the visit to Borobudur we drive on to Yogyakarta. We will visit the old Sultans palace the Kraton, the water palace and the bird market Pasar Burung. Yogyakarta is known for its beautiful batik industry and fine silverware. You also have the opportunity to stroll through the famous shopping street Jalan Malioboro and shop in one of the many shopping malls. 2 nights in Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta bicycle trip through the kampungs and free afternoon

One more day to enjoy Yogyakarta. There is plenty to do in this lively and enjoyable former sultanate city. In the early morning you will make a cycling excursion in the kampungs around Yogyakarta. You will pass rice fields, villages, temples and experience the central Javanese life. You can (optionally) attend a performance of the Ramayana ballet on one of the evenings in Yogya. Overnight in Yogyakarta.

Day 12 Yogyakarta Bromo Train

After an early breakfast you leave at 07:15 with the Sancaka train to Mojokerto, near Surabaya. You arrive at 11:00. Your driver has already arrived and is waiting for you at the railway station. From Mojokerto it is another 3 hour drive to the hotel at the Bromo. Overnight in hotel close to the Bromo vulcano.

Day 13 Sunrise at the Bromo vulcano and tour to Kalibaru village

Around three o'clock you will be awakened to make a trip to the Bromo. With a jeep you will be taken to the viewing area on the edge of the Tengger kaldera. Although you are certainly not alone, in the high season there can be more than 500 visitors, there is a serene tranquility at the viewpoint. Everyone comes for the beautiful and mystical sunrise. From the platform you have a view of the sand sea and its four craters and in the background you can regularly see the Semeru volcano blowing a thrust into the air. Bring your sweater and windbreaker, it is very cold in the early morning! After the sunrise, return by jeep to the sandy sea. Here you can walk or on a horse (about 100,000 rupia) to the foot of the Bromo. Via about 300 steps you climb the Bromo crater to look from the crater rim into the crater of the volcano. After the Bromo, return to the hotel for breakfast. Then continue the journey to our next destination, the rural village of Kalibaru. A drive of about six hours. Overnight in Kalibaru.

Day 14 Sukamade plantation tour and the sea turtles in the Meru Betiri Park organized by Kalibaru cottages

After breakfast, depart by jeep to the Meru Betiri National Park. Along the way you will witness life on the rubber, cocoa and palm plantations and see how in the last century the irrigation works still prove their service. Lunch is taken in a fishing village on Rajekwesi Bay. In the afternoon you arrive in Sukamade, where you will stay in the very simple pondok Wisata Baru or the Sukamade Mess (no hot water, sometimes no shower but a mandibak, sometimes yes and sometimes no electricity. Take toilet paper from your hotel). You visit the turtle nursery here and you can usually release young turtles on the beach. Around six o'clock you will have a simple dinner in the Pondok. Then you travel by jeep for half an hour towards the beach. The last kilometer has to be covered by foot through the forest. The local guide goes looking for nests on the beach. Once he has found a nest he will pick you up. The turtles that come to lay eggs here range from 150 - 350 kilos and lay about 100 - 150 eggs in about two hours, which hatch after 8 weeks. To prevent poachers and increase the chances of survival of the young turtles, the eggs are dug up and transferred to a shed near the Pondok. After hatching, the young turtles keep strengthening for a few days before they are released into the sea. Very simple overnight stay in Sukamade!

Day 15 Sukamade to north Bali

After breakfast you will visit the old factory where latex is produced. Then you drive back to the fishing village, where around that time the fishermen come home and land their catch. With the jeep you leave the Meru Betiri park and transfer back to your car or van. Your driver takes you to Ketapang, a harbor town on the coast, from where you cross by ferry to the island of the thousand gods Bali. The driver from Java will take you to your hotel on the north coast of Bali in about two hours. You say goodbye to your Javanese driver and possibly guide at the hotel. The further transport in Bali is carried out by a Balinese driver. Overnights in Pemuteran

Day 16 Pemuteran - free day

Pemuteran is a small fishing village in the northwest of Bali, located on the Bali sea. It is located on the edge of the West Bali National Park and near the beautiful sea gardens of the Menjangan island, one of the most beautiful diving locations in Bali. There is not much to do in the village of Pemuteran, but almost all hotels offer plenty of facilities to fulfill your wishes. There is nothing on the program this day. You can spend the day relaxing by the pool, snorkeling directly in front of the hotel, or book a snorkeling or diving excursion at the island of Menjangan at the reception. Overnight in Pemuteran.

Day 17 Pemuteran - free day

Another delicious free day. You can hire a bike or a moped at the hotel and be your own tour guide today. The north of Bali is very nice and quiet. You could also make a walk in the National park. Overnight Pemuteran.

Day 18 Transfer and excursions on the way from North Bali to Ubud

During your transfer from your accommodation in north Bali to Ubud, you will experience a day full of beautiful pictures of enchanting Bali: You’ll visit the fruit market of Bedugul, the monkeys around the temple of Alas Kedaton. Beautiful rice fields near Munduk and the Ulun Danu temple. 2 nights in Ubud.

Day 19 Ubud - free day

Ubud is known as the artist center of Bali. It is the cultural heart of Bali and especially famous for its painting. Many religious ceremonies, dance performances and feasts for the gods are held in the numerous temples. Before World War II, Walter Spies started painting here, inspired by Balinese art. The Neka Art museum Ubud shows work by Spies and the Dutch painter Rudolf Bonnet, among others. In addition to countless trendy shops and restaurants, Ubud is home to the Monkey Forest, where cheeky monkeys try to take everything that is edible. In the surroundings of Ubud you can also make beautiful walking and cycling trips, the Campuhan Ridge is the most famous walk. The way to enjoy the beauty of nature and to get acquainted with the daily life of the Balinese on the way back. Overnight in Ubud area.

Day 20 from Ubud to south Bali

Departure from your hotel after breakfast. You have access to a car with driver throughout the day. The driver is from Bali, but note: he is not a guide. For an additional fee you can also book an English speaking guide. Entrance fees to the sights to be visited are exclusive. Along the way you will visit the towns of Celuk & Mas. In Celuk you will find numerous workshops where the jewelry is made of silver. The village of Mas is known for its excellent carvings. Here you can see in the workshops how beautiful sculptures and other works of art are carved by the Balinese. You can also visit the 11th century elephant cave Goah Gaja today. You will find, among other things, a statue of Ganesha with four arms (the Hindu god with the elephant head). Goa Gaja is a beautifully crafted cave with a medley of Hindu and Buddhist elements. Your driver will take you to your hotel in the late afternoon. Overnight in Sanur.

Day 21 Sanur - free day

There’s nothing on the program today. You can lounge around the swimming-pool or on the beach. Sanur has got a very nice street with lots of little shops and restaurants. In some restaurants performances are given during your dinner. You find the most delicious small fish restaurants along the beach. Overnight in Sanur.

Day 22 Pulang kampung, going back home

Well in advance, about 3 hours before the departure of your flight, your driver picks you up for your transfer to the airport.

Day 23: arrival Schiphol flight Denpasar-Amsterdam via Jakarta

Flight with Garuda Indonesia with transfer in Jakarta. Departure Denpasar early evening, arrival Amsterdam in the early morning.

Arrival Amsterdam

In the morning arrival at Schiphol. The end of a beautiful trip...

Deli River

Small and clean hotel, just outside de bustle of Medan. Spacious and beautifully situated on the river Deli. From the swimming pool view on the river. Friendly and helpful staff. Number of rooms: 8 Facilities: swimming pool, good restaurant Deli River is managed by Tri Jaya Tour & Travel, our agent on Sumatra. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Tabo cottages - Samosir

The cozy and small-scale Tabo cottages is located directly on the Toba lake. The hotel has around 40 rooms, ranging from Superior (Basic, private bathroom with hot water), Deluxe (spacious with private veranda and fan), Batak cottages (separate cottages with the same Deluxe amenities) and Junior suites, overlooking the lake and an extra sofa bed and coffee-tea facilities. The hotel has its own bakery, restaurant and swimming pool with views over the lake. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Samosir Villa resort

Samosir Villa resort is quite recent (2012) and beautifully situated in the village TukTuk on the island Samosir. Of course it’s very nice to go for a swim in lake Tobe, but there’s also a great swimming pool. All rooms have a small balcony with view on Lake Toba, TV and a safety box. VIP rooms have also a small fridge. WiFi available. At weekends and on national holidays there can be many local tourists at the hotel. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Mikie Holiday Sinabung - Brastagi

The typical Mikie Holiday is located on the flanks of the Sinabung. With 149 rooms it is a medium-sized hotel with a modern look. The hotel has a nice swimming pool. All rooms have their own shower and toilet, TV and WiFi. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Mega Inn, Tangkahan

Simple but very cosy accommodation on the edge of Leuser National Park. The simple cottages are directly situated on the river. There’s no hot water, but there is delicious food and there is Mega, your very caring host . meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Bukit Lawang Cottages

Simple but clean hotel, with cottages on the ground floor. A hanging bridge over the river Bohorok is the entrance to the hotel. In the open restaurant there’s plenty of choice. The spacious rooms are equipped with a fan, no air-conditioning and there is an outdoor shower. In the vicinity you can go on a hike to the orang-utans. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Amata Borobudur resort

Op slechts 4 kilometer van de Borobudur liht het typisch Javaanse Amata Borobudur resort. Het kleinschaligre resort heeft kamers in een hoofdgebouw die wij niet aanbieden, bungalows van 35 m2, iets ruimere en luxere Deluxe bingalows en riante familiebungalows. Vanuit het resort worden diverse excursies en activiteiten aangeboden: meditatiesessies, village tours, rafting en de Andong (paard & wagen) tours door typisch Javaanse dorpjes. Het resort heeft een prima restaurant. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Rumah Dharma I en II - Borobudur

Rumah Dharma bestaat uit 2 kleinschalige boutiqe resorts, elk met 8 cottages, een zwembad en een restaurantje. Beide resorts liggen op ongeveer 10 minuten rijden van de Borobudur. De kamers beschikken over airco, prive badkamer met warm stromend water en een eigen terrasje. Er is gratis WiFi. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Dusun Yogya village Inn

Het kleinschalige (24 kamers) Dusun Yogya village Inn boutique hotel ligt op zo'n 15 minuten lopen van de gezellige Jalan Praworitaman. Het hotel is weids opgezet met de Deluxe kamers in een 2 verdiepingen tellend gebouw. Alle kamers beschikken over eigen badkamer/toilet, ruim zitje of balkon, airco, tv, föhn, telefoon, kluisje, gratis WiFi en waterkoker. De suite is nog wat ruimer opgezet en heeft als extra een espressomachine. Er is een ruim zwembad met een kinderbad. Het open restaurant serveert Aziatische en westerse gerechten. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Phoenix Mercure - Yogyakarta

The Phoenix is the perfect hotel to catch your breath after a tiring journey. It is in a perfect location in the heart of Yogyakarta within walking distance of the popular Jalan Malioboro. The atmospheric historic Phoenix Hotel, a colonial mansion from 1918, has now been completely renovated and extended while maintaining the original traditional style. A luxurious, refined and nostalgic decor. The pool is surrounded by beautiful galleries and balconies. The good English speaking staff is exceptionally friendly and helpful and the breakfast very worthwhile. At the restaurant is a Jamu (herbal) woman with free advice / drink for your small inconveniences such as headaches and abdominal pain. At certain hours a Gamelan orchestra plays for an Indonesian atmosphere. All comfortable rooms are equipped with air conditioning, telephone, TV, desk, bathroom, hairdryer, coffee and tea making facilities, minibar, safe, wifi and balcony with seating. Number of rooms: 144 Facilities: Swimming pool, restaurant, terrace bar, wine bar, spa, fitness room, baby sitting service (on request), laundry service, room service, gift shop, business centre. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Puri Artha - Yogyakarta

Just outside the centre of Yogyakarta lies the very nice hotel Puri Artha. The hotel is in Balinese and Javanese style, in the rooms is used a lot of rattan, bamboo and batik. The rooms are spacious, clean and beautiful and set up in a carré shape in the garden. All rooms have a veranda with seating and are equipped with AC, bathroom with bath or shower, telephone, TV and minibar. Number of rooms: 70 Facilities: Restaurant (Asian and Western cuisine) with Gamelan music from 6 to 8PM, bar (also with live music, from 8 to 10.30PM), shops, swimming pool (not free, about 2 €, but there you have also a towel, locker, shower and fresh juice for) and Spa. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Melia Purosani - Yogyakarta

The hotel is on a prime location, next to the Marlioboro street, the most famous shopping street of Yogyakarta. The beautiful lobby will certainly impress you and the Chinese restaurant in the hotel is considered one of the best restaurants in Yogyakarta. In the two other restaurants, one of which is next to the beautiful swimming pool, Javanese and international dishes are served. Melia Purosani also has a bar and a pub for drinks, cocktails and snacks where you can enjoy live music from Wednesday to Saturday evenings. In the Spa body and mind are cared for in a traditional Javanese way. The Javanese style rooms are spacious and comfortable. The hotel also has 2 wheelchair-friendly rooms. All rooms are equipped with AC, television, telephone, desk, bathroom, bathrobes, slippers, hair dryer, first aid box, minibar, coffee and tea making facilities, safe and wifi. Number of rooms: 280 Facilities: Restaurants, bar, pub, swimming pool, Spa, fitness room, hairdresser, beauty salon, yoga, table tennis, volleyball, badminton, kids club, baby-sitting service, shop gallery, laundry service, room service, multilingual staff and business centre. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Jiwa Jawa Bromo (former Java Banana)

The Jiwa Jawa Bromo is a relatively new hotel in the Bromo area. It opened its doors in 2009 and is built in modern eco friendly style. From this hotel you can easily reach the Bromo by means of the 4 x 4 jeeps. Outdoor sports such as mountain biking are proposed. There is also an open-air theater at the lodge. All rooms have AC, private bathroom, telephone, TV, coffee / tea facilities and Wifi. Number of rooms: 42 Facilities: Reception, bar, restaurant, photo gallery, assistance with outings / tickets, outdoor activities. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Lava View Cottages - Bromo

Lava View is a very simple hotel, but ideally located directly on the edge of the Caldera, about half an hour's drive from the viewpoint of the sunrise over the Bromo. With good weather you have a magnificent view of the Bromo and other volcanoes from the hotel. The sunset over the volcanic landscape is also very impressive. The hotel has various room types divided into superior, deluxe, family rooms and bungalows. The superior rooms are not recommended and only have twin beds. Number of rooms: 28 The simple rooms are equipped with bathroom, TV, coffee / tea making facilities and have a terrace. Facilities: Restaurant serving Asian and European dishes, breakfast buffet, Café, Wifi. There is often live music in the evening. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Rumah Senang - Kalibaru

Senang, you feel good, that's what you do while staying in Rumah Senang. The guesthouse with 4 rooms is located a few kilometers from the village of Kalibaru. At the front you have a view of the Gunung Raung (3,300 meters) and at the back on the Gunung Putri with the river Kalibaru and the jungle. You can walk here with or without a guide. Number of rooms: 4 Number of beds in separate back-packers location: 2 Facilities: Spacious sitting room for all guests. BVN DVD player with various films Private garden with beautiful views Safe in the room Coffee and tea facilities in the room Laundry and ironing service Hiking routes Cooking team with service Free WIFI Free afternoon tea Tour and Transport service Massage at home Swimming pool with separate children's pool (salt water - no problems with chlorine) Gazebo with electricity connection for the laptop and the like. Midnight swimming (evening swimming with the lights on) Bike rental Bed and breakfast Restaurant facilities meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Margo Utomo I and II - Kalibaru

The plantation hotel Margo Utomo I is a simple guesthouse with a farm with Dutch cows and a mini plantation. When you stay at this hotel you can get a free guided tour of the plantation. Nutmeg, coffee, salak and palm oil are produced here in an eco-friendly way. You can also buy these products at the reception. The pool is a nice place to relax and you can eat inside or outside at the restaurant. All cottages are located in a beautiful garden, have a fan, private bathroom and terrace. The Superior and Deluxe rooms are located in the Margo Utomo II (Hill view) and are a bit further away. Number of rooms: 51 (I) and 30 (II) Facilities: Pool, restaurant, wifi (lobby), doctor, massage, Spa, tours-transport service and laundry service. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Rumah Kita Guesthouse - Kalibaru

This cosy Guesthouse is located 3 km from Kalibaru and is run by a Dutchman. It consists of a 1-bedroom villa with 2 single beds and 2 guest houses, each with 2 rooms with double beds. A bed can be added in all rooms. The villa also has a large living room, kitchen and a large covered terrace for general use. From the rooms you have a view of the garden and the Gunung Raung volcano. All rooms have a large private bathroom with wash basin, toilet, large walk-in shower with natural hot water and coffee and tea making facilities. Number of rooms: 5 Facilities: private garden, swimming pool, central fridge in the villa for all guests, cook and service, laundry service, Internet and a Tour Desk / Transport service. Also possibilities for massage. From here you can make beautiful excursions and walks in the area to nature parks etc. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Kalibaru Cottages - Kalibaru

Kalibaru Cottages is surrounded by plantations at some distance from the centre of Kalibaru. The simple cottages are built around the beautiful pool and the reception / lobby lounge is a pleasant place to sit down and have something to drink. All rooms have their own shower / toilet (open air), minibar, telephone and TV. In front of your room you have your own veranda with pool or garden view. To reach the restaurant you have to climb steep stairs. Number of rooms: 60 Facilities: Nice pool, children playground, small shop, restaurant and lobby bar. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Wisma Sukamade baru

This simple guesthouse is a three-quarter drive from the beach and turtle center, in the plantation village in the Meru Betiri nature reserve. There are 12 very simple rooms with three beds, bathroom with running cold water (some rooms have a shower, some a mandibak) and a simple western toilet. In the dining room, delicious dishes are served. There is no power between 23:00 and 05:00. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Nusa Bay Menjangan (before Shorea beach resort)

Nusa Bay Menjangan is the only resort in National park West Bali and by boat only 10 minutes away from the sea gardens at the island Menjangan. The resort counts 14 Lanai cottages and 2 beach villas. It has a private beach and can only be reached by (20 minutes) boat. From the resort you can go for a walk or a bicycle tour in the park and of course go snorkelling and diving as much as you like around the island Menjangan. The hotel disposes over a good restaurant, spa, WiFi and a very nice swimming pool. All cottages have AC, minibar, safety box and private terrace. The villas have also an AC living room, seaview and a 'Bale', a covered lounge place in the garden. There is one villa with 2 bedrooms, suitable for four people. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Mimpi resort Menjangan - Menjangan

The Mimpi resort is a boutique hotel, located in the northwest of Bali. On the edge of the national park of West Bali and near the paradise diving and snorkeling island Menjangan, Mimpi offers an oasis of peace and nature. A great place to recover from a tiring journey through Java, but also an excellent place as part of a Bali tour. All rooms have AC, telephone, TV, bathroom, coffee and tea making facilities, minibar and terrace. The villas also have a private courtyard / garden with a spring water pool. The resort has 30 patio rooms, 18 courtyard villas and 6 even more luxurious villas. The resort has its own diving center, restaurant, multiple swimming pools, spa and massage center, yoga (weekly), library, gift shop, wifi, room service, laundry service. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Taman Sari Bali cottages - Pemuteran

Taman Sari Bali cottages is quietly located in the North-West of Bali, right on the sea. An ideal accommodation to rest from the Java trip and with possibilities for snorkelling or diving above the Pemuteran reef. All rooms have AC, telephone, TV, bathroom, coffee and tea making facilities, minibar, safe and terrace. Our favourite roomtype is the Deluxe Studio. Besides these roomtypes, Taman Sari has also private pool villas, see <a href="https://www.merapi.nl/indonesie/bali/pemuteran/taman-sari-bali-villas-pemuteran-2-3-4-bedrooms" TARGET="_blank">this link.</a> Number of rooms: 29 Facilities: Restaurant, pool bar, swimming pool, children's pool, room service, laundry service, Spa, fitness, own diving school, many excursion possibilities. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Ananda cottages - Ubud

Ananda Cottages is situated in the middle of the rice fields, very quiet and calm in the north of Ubud at 25 minutes walking distance of the centre of Ubud. The hotel offers a lot of ‘cool’ activities, such as yoga, meditation, Balinese music and dance, wood-carving and cooking-course. All rooms have got a private terrace or balcony, AC, bathroom and mini-bar. No TV. Number of rooms : 58 Facilities; Restaurant (Indonesian and European dishes), 3 swimming pools with view on garden and rice fields. Daily Yoga program and besides that even a Bali offer workshop. Spa & massages, badminton, baby-sitting service on demand, room-and laundry service. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Saren Indah - Ubud

The Saren Indah hotel, a small and friendly hotel, is surrounded by rice fields and situated at only 200m from the Monkey Forest and a 15-minute walk to the centre of Ubud. All rooms have AC, telephone, TV, bathroom, hairdryer, coffee-making facilities, minibar, wifi and private terrace or balcony. DeLuxe rooms have a DVD player. Number of rooms: 21 Facilities: Restaurant, bar, swimming pool, WiFi, lockers at reception, room service, laundry service, doctor, tour desk, shuttle service to Ubud centre. NB On the price list Superior and Deluxe rooms are on the upper floors. Rooms with Garden view and extra bed are on the ground floor. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Puri Santrian - Sanur

Lovely spacious and quiet 4 * hotel, in the south of Sanur. Right on the beach and with all the facilities you could wish for. All rooms have AC, telephone, TV, bathroom, hairdryer, coffee and tea making facilities, minibar, safe and balcony.   Number of rooms: 182 Facilities: 2 restaurants, various bars, coffee shop, 2 swimming pools, children's pool, Spa, fitness center, 24-hour room service, laundry service, babysitting service, Cooking classes, yoga, water sports, diving lessons, billiard, tennis courts, library, wifi, bike rental, meeting room, gift shops, tour desk. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Besakih Beach resort - Sanur

Het Besakih Beach Resort is een goed middenklasse Beachfront resort in het centrum van het rustige Sanur. Het resort biedt een mix van Balinese architectuur en heeft een heerlijk zwembad en een kinderbad. De kamers zijn voorzien van AC, telefoon, tv, badkamer, haardroger, koffie-en thee faciliteiten, minibar en hebben alle een eigen balkon of terrasje. Aantal kamers: 80 De Superior bungalow zijn onze favoriet en liggen in een tuin, dichtbij zwembad, strand en restaurant. De Standard bungalows zijn verdeeld over 2-verdiepingen bungalows in een tuin bij de ingang van het hotel. De Standard (ROH) kamers in een gebouw bevinden zich ook dichtbij het zwembad, restaurant en het strand. Sommige kamers uit de laatste categorie hebben weinig uitzicht. Faciliteiten: restaurant (Indonesische en Westerse keuken), bar, zwembad, vergaderruimte, massages, room service, laundry service, kluisjes en wifi. meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Griya Santrian - Sanur

All rooms have AC, telephone, TV, bathroom, hairdryer, coffee and tea making facilities, minibar, safe and balcony or terrace. Number of rooms: 117 Facilities: 3 restaurants (Indonesian, Balinese, Italian, Japanese, Western and Asian cuisine) and bar, 3 swimming pools, fitness, tennis, spa, sauna, yoga, offer-making and cooking workshops, bicycle excursions, every Monday and Friday fish barbeque on the beach and every Thursday meat barbeque with Jazz music, art gallery, 24 hour room service, laundry service, Kids club, surf lesson, WiFi meer info more info Informations supplémentaires

Mercure Sanur - Sanur

Superb resort built in Balinese style. In a beautiful garden, right on the beach and near the centre of Sanur. All rooms have AC, telephone, TV, bathroom, hairdryer, coffee and tea making facilities, minibar, safe, wifi and balcony or terrace. Number of rooms: 189 Facilities: Restaurant (Asian and European cuisine), 3 bars, swimming pool with children's pool, Spa, Tennis, volleyball, table tennis, bike rental, jogging track, darts, billiard, meeting room, gift shop, beauty salon, 24-hour room service, laundry service and wifi. Mercure Sanur has 2 wheelchair accessible rooms meer info more info Informations supplémentaires



Medan is the capital of the province of North Sumatra and has more than 2.5 million inhabitants. In the Dutch East Indies period there were many plantations outside the city, especially rubber did well. The 1965 book "Rubber" by M.H. Szekely-Lulofs gives a good picture of what the world looked like at the time and how the Netherlands was firmly in control around the Deli river. Later it was mainly the Chinese who attracted trade and power. Now Medan is a modern city, where many old buildings still remind of the colonial period.

For the western tourist, Medan doesn't have much to offer: the Sultan's palace is nice to visit, as is the Chinese temple. Take a look at the great mosque Masjid Raya Al-Mashun, you will be welcomed (outside the services) and shown around.

Our favorite Deli River hotel is located just outside the city, on the Deli River. The accompanying restaurant Omlandia serves delicious Indonesian, Indian and Western dishes. The pecel (kind of gado-gado with delicious sauce) is a must!
In the center there is also a wide choice of hotels, but they still lack the atmosphere. Perhaps the former hotel de Boer, now Grand Inna, will come close.



Lake Toba is the largest lake in Indonesia with a length of about 100 km and a width of 30 km. It originated from a volcanic eruption, roughly 75,000 years ago. The Toba Batakkers live around the lake, a people of predominantly Christian faith, mixed with a kind of animistic ancestor worship.

Samosir is the famous peninsula in the lake. An island tour of Samosir lets you see and experience the culture of the Batakkers. A boat trip on Lake Toba, along the island, is also a lot of fun and shows almost the same sights.

It is special to take a day trip to Tatea Bulan. High in the mountains there is a pilgrimage site of the Batak kings and the ancestors are honored. A very devout visit, with beautiful panoramas. Along the way you will also visit the sacred sources of AEK Sipitu Dai. During our visit, the washing place was quickly emptied in order to show something of the sacred.

What you should not miss is a dinner with a vocal group. The Batakkers are known for their polyphonic singing, accompanied by guitar and simple local musical instruments.
The culinary specialties of the Batakkers are not always in the taste of western visitors: dog is not exactly what we are waiting for and the Ikan Mas (kind of goldfish) takes you more time to get rid of bones than it is tasty. Fortunately, Saksang remains, a Batak dish that should not be missing during a wedding. There are two variants, of which we ignore the dog and go for the Saksang Babi of pork.
Of course you are going to eat at my kake-pinjum, my borrowed brother Rony. Together with Rosinthan he runs the Marysca Restaurant. All our Sumatra travelers get a free dinner here with a warm Batak welcome. Rony, his friends and family like to take you musically through the Batak culture with the vocal goup.

Our favorite hotels are Tabo cottages (Junior suite or Villa) and Samosir Villa resort (VIP room. At weekends the resort is overcrowded by local tourists).



The mountain village of Brastagi is often visited as a stopover on the long route between the jungle and Lake Toba. The village is wonderfully cool at 1,300 meters above sea level. Surrounded by the volcanoes Sibayak and Sinabung, the soil is very fertile and various vegetables, fruit and flowers are grown here.

Volcano enthusiasts can climb the Sibayak volcano early in the morning and take a warm bath at the hot springs of Lau si Debuk-Debuk on the way down.



From Medan to Tangkahan it is about a 2 hour drive and 2 hours bump through endless and desolate palm oil plantations. When you arrive at the river you can see that the rainforest hood has also stopped here. The forest of the Leuser National Park starts at Tangkahan. You cross the river via a suspension bridge or with the bamboo ferry. And then you are really in the jungle.

The elephant shelter is located near the hotels, upstream on the Kualsa Buluh River. The elephants are mainly used to patrol the jungle. In the morning and late afternoon they are washed in the river and tourists are welcome to help. From the center you can tube downstream to the hotels with large tires.

Must do's in Tangkahan:
At least a jungle trek. Under the guidance of a local ranger you take a brisk walk through the jungle and see, hear, smell and experience the jungle.
A walk by or along the river to the waterfall is also recommended. At the waterfall you see a lot of butterflies and you can of course also take a refreshing bath.

Tangkahan has some very basic accommodations, of which Mega Inn is our favorite. Do not expect hot running water, air conditioning or any luxury. Do expect to wake up to jungle sounds, helpful staff and reasonable and inexpensive food.

Bukit Lawang


Bukit Lawang is the place that is often called Bohorok, the river of the same name. Bukit Lawang is located in the Gunung Leuser National park and is mainly visited to spot the orangutans. The former orangutan rehabilitation center is located directly on the river. Until a few years ago, the great apes were trained here to be able to live from nature after a life as a pet. That is now a thing of the past. No orangutans have been kept in captivity for years and the work of the rehabilitation center is about to end.

Until recently, the monkeys were fed on the "piets time", a name that you have to understand. For many Indonesians, the "F" is a difficult to pronounce consonant that is corrupted into a "P". Feeding time is already more understandable then, but for us Europeans still strange. A time to go. But it is still customary for the premises to go to the feeding time, because then you can be sure that you can see the monkeys up close.

However, the pied time is also a thing of the past. If you want to spot orangutans, make a jungle trek of 3 or 4 hours, together with a local ranger, who will bring some fruit or vegetables in his backpack to lure the famous orangutans.

Bukit Lawang is approximately 3 hours drive from Medan and 2 hours (via bumpy roads) from Tangkahan. It has some nice accommodations, of which the Eco Lodge and Sam's bungalows are our favorites. For those traveling with growing youth, the Bukit Lawang children's home, with 2 bedrooms, is a nice alternative.
Keep in mind that on weekends Bukit Lawang is overrun by local tourists and the Saturday nights are noisy!
You don't have to travel to Bukit Lawang for special food.

Video Gunung Leuser park



The Borobudur is a famous temple complex built in the 9th century. It’s situated on a small hill near Yogyakarta and surrounded by other temples and volcanoes. The complex is 47 meters high and consists of nine stacked platforms. The platforms represent the Buddhist cosmos. On the top floors there are 72 small stupas, which are built around one large central stupa, which symbolizes Nirvana.

The Borobudur is best visited during sunrise. The Sarasvati Borobudur hotel is a 1.1 kilometer walk. There are several hotels and resorts within 10 minutes, of which both small scale Rumah Dharma I and II are our favorites. For the traveler with a well-filled wallet, the Plataran Borobudur resort & spa is the ultimate choice (not to be confused with the big brother Plataran Heritage hotel, which is mainly geared towards wealthy local tourists).



Yogyakarta is the cultural center of Java, the soul of the island. It is also one of the nicest and most interesting cities in Indonesia. Partly because of the walled royal palace, Kraton, which is already a town in itself. You will find countless historical works of art and paintings. The gamelan is rehearsed daily in the morning hours, some days with dance and / or singing. The current sultan still lives on the palace complex.
The Water Palace, which can only be visited in the morning, is within walking distance.

For shopping you can visit the Marlioboro street with numerous stalls during the day and tasty food stalls in the evenings. Also visit the bird market Pasar Burung, one of the many batik galleries or go to the silver town of Kota Gede. In the evening you can attend a performance of the Ramayana ballet in the center.

Yogya surroundings

An hour from Yogyakarta is Borobudur, the world-famous Buddhist temple from the 8th and 9th centuries.
Closer is the Hindu temple Prambanan, where the Ramayana ballet is regularly performed.

Towards the coast is the town of Imogiri. Here is the final resting place of the rulers of Mataram, the Susuhunans of Surakarta, the sultans of Yogyakarta and other high Javanese nobles. The name comes from Sanskrit and means "Snow Mountain". You can decide to visit the sultans graves on the spot.

Especially on Sunday go to the beach of Parangtritis. You will be amazed how the locals enjoy the beach and get through the day taking selfies (preferably with you)!

Favourite restaurant

Yogyakarta has a lot of delicious restaurants, from murah (cheap) to mahal sekali (very expensive). The latter category includes Gadjah Wong , but the choice is huge and I believe I've never eaten such a tasty sambal goreng tempe Nice ambiance too!

If you are staying in the Prawirotaman district you should definitely visit Via Via a > for lunch pr dinner. Very nice atmosphere, not expensive and very tasty and you can find a lot of information about Yogya. They also give cooking classes.

The most authentic is to eat Nasi Gudeg at one of the lesehan (food stalls) at the Jalan Malioboro, a jackfruit stewed in coconut milk.

Bromo - Tosari


The most famous volcano in Java, the Bromo, is located in the Tengger massif. Together with the craters of the Batok and Widodaren, the Brom crater is located in a sand sea of ​​80 square kilometers, which is surrounded by the caldera rim.
Before sunrise, numerous jeeps with tourists drive to the Pananjakan viewpoint to watch the sun rise over the Bromo from there, watch the clouds sink into the sand sea and regularly see the Semeru volcano blowing off steam.

During the high season it is very busy, but about 500 enthusiasts can shoot photos and videos in peace and quiet.

After sunrise, the jeeps drive into the sand sea, to the foot of the Bromo crater and you walk another fifteen minutes through the sand sea (you can also rent a horse) to climb the 300 high steps to the crater rim. Your reward awaits ..

Your reward...



Kalibaru is most of the time your last stop on Java before you take the ferry to Bali. It’s a little village in the mountains close to the Raung Volcano near the Kawa Ijen plateau. The village is surrounded by plantations and it’s very pleasant to stay there.
You can make a trip with a Dokar (a small horse drawn carriage) or visit one of the plantations.



Sukamade is a fisher and plantation village at the south coast of East Java. It’s in the middle of the Meru Betiri natural park and only accessible by jeep.
The biggest attraction of Sukamade is the turtle centre. Almost every day giant turtles come ashore in the evening to lay their eggs on the beach. Accompanied by local rangers you can see this happen. During the day you can see the baby turtles in the nursery and release the turtles that are strong enough on the beach.

There are two reasonable accommodations at Sukamade, of which we use Wisma Sukamade Baru the most. It is about a three-quarter drive from the turtle center and is cleaner and better cared for than the Sukamade Mess. This is located in the grounds of the turtle center and is just a 10 minute walk from the beach. Both accommodations have cold running water and a simple western toilet.


Nusa Menjangan

Nusa Menjangan is een klein eilandje in het noordwesten van Bali. Het behoort tot het nationaal park west Bali en je moet ook niet raar opkijken wanneer je grote edelherten op het strand ziet staan.



Pemuteran is a small fishing village in the northwest of Bali, at the Bali-zee.
It’s situated at the edge of the West-Bali National Park very close to the beautiful seagardens of Menjangan island, one of the most fabulous diving spots in Indonesia.
In the village Pemuteran itself is not much to do. But almost every hotel offer plenty of facilities to fulfil your wishes.
Pemuteran is a perfect place to relax a couple of days after a tiring Java trip.

Favourite restaurant

According to Vera, the tahu and tempeh goreng with saté and gado gado are delicious!

Warung Makan Nengah

What to see

Diving or snorkeling at Nusa Menjangan is the must-do in Pemuteran. Book at your reception a day in advance and you will be taken by boat to the island of Nusa Menjangan. We bet you will meet Nemo and some turtles?
Hiking in the National Park west Bali. Not the breathtaking tropical rainforest of Sumatra or Kalimantan, but you will always encounter some strange birds, monkeys, deer and pigs.
Dolphin spotting at Lovina. You don't have to stay in Lovina for the dolphins. Almost all hotels offer a dolphin excursion. You leave around 5 in the morning by car to Lovina and go there on the boat to the dolphins.
Turtle Hatchery Project. Within walking distance, between the Taman Sari an Adi Assri resort is the turtle center, where the eggs wait in a kind of hatchery for the young sea turtles to hatch. They are protected there for the first few weeks of their lives, until they are large enough to be released on the beach and choose the full sea.



Ubud is called the artist village in central Bali. In and around the busy center are numerous sewing and art studios and several museums and theaters. Dances are performed daily, including in the palace. A visit to the art-market opposite the palace is also definitely worth it.

You can choose a hotel or resort in the busy center, somewhere quiet in the middle of the rice fields or on the border of the river.

Things to see and do

Too much to mention all...
Ubud Palace and Puri Saren Agung Temple: Here you can marvel at traditional Balinese architecture. Daily also the scene of Balinese dances
The Monkey Forest Monkey Forest: A must see for many, personally a torment for me to watch monkeys that have become more than brutal.
Agung Rai Museum of Art houses artworks by, among others, Walter Spies, Rudolf Bonnet and many other artists. The museum's goal is to keep Balinese art alive.
Museum Puri Lukisan specializes in modern Balinese paintings, sculptures and carvings
The Blanco Renaissance Museum is mainly focused on works by the Spanish painter Don Antonio Blanco
The Campuhan Ridge Walk is a must do: Take an early morning hike for this 2 hour hike across the ridge to the village of Bangkian Sidem
And there is much more to see in the Ubud area!

Favourite restaurant

The specialty of Ubud is crispy fried duck, Bebek Bengil. There are several restaurants where "Dirty Duck" is on the menu. Our favorite is restaurant Bebek Bengil at the Jalan Hanoman in the center.

Another great restaurant in the center is Cafe Lotus , with a very extensive menu and a beautiful pond at the Jalan Raya Ubud, close to the Royal Palace .

Many trendy and cozy restaurants can also be found in the quieter Pertiwi district.



Sanur is located directly on the Indian Ocean.
The beach of Sanur beach is protected by a reef at some 100 meters off shore, which means that the waves are much gentler than in Kuta.
Sanur is a quiet old fishing village with lots of hotels, restaurants and shops

Favourite restaurant

My own experience: Mades Restaurant, in the centre of Sanur. Delicious Balinese food and Indonesian dishes!

Mades Restaurant - Sanur



Denpasar is the busy capital of Bali.
Besides some museums and the market there aren’t many tourist attractions in the capital, though you can do some great shopping for cheap prices.